Ruth White (Musical Director)
Ruth was inspired to lead singing groups after attending the Unicorn ‘Voice Camp’ in 2000 (check out the Unicorn Camps website) which left her “with music ringing in my ears from every sound I heard – even the car wheels had become musical, and the whole experience left me changed”
She then went on to take a course in choir leadership, shortly after which she gathered a few colleagues together with the aim of performing at a charity event, which was a great success so she simply carried on!
Ruth says “I have always loved singing and a song is never far from my lips. I love what I do, and get immense pleasure from witnessing people being uplifted and revived after singing with the group. It’s a great way for people to shed the stresses of the day”
Ruth believes singing is a wonderfully uniting experience which brings a sense of belonging, and the opportunity to make new friends!